TC Metro is primarily a competition band competing in Grade 4 in the Midwest Pipe Band Association (MWPBA). During the summer we regularly attend four to six highland games around the midwest. From May to September we participate in 12 to 15 parades around the metro area to earn funds for uniforms, equipment, and lodging for the competitions we attend.
The Twin Cities Metro Pipe Band was founded in 1999 by local pipers and drummers looking for a new band opportunity. Our goal has always been to create a band that is musically creative, technically superior, and socially enjoyable. We’ve always endeavored to create an inclusive welcoming environment for our members to grow as musicians. We want our band members to not only be band members but to be family members.
We are always looking for talented pipers and drummers to fill out our ranks, so if you're interested in joining the band feel free to contact us or just stop in to a Thursday night practice.
If you aspire to become a piper or drummer and are looking for an instructor, we have several instructors in the band who regularily give lessons - just drop us a line on the contact page.
The band is a recognized 501c3 nonprofit organization, so if you’re interested we would be happy to help you develop your philanthropic streak. We gladly accept donations to the band and welcome inquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities.